Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Intervention for Neonatal Tetanus

Nursing Diagnosis for Neonatal Tetanus
Ineffective breathing pattern related to respiratory muscle fatigue
Imbalanced nutrition, Less than body requirements related to the baby's sucking reflex is inadequate.

Nursing Intervention for Neonatal Tetanus
Nursing Diagnosis I
Ineffective breathing pattern related to respiratory muscle fatigue
Nursing Intervention:
Assess the frequency and pattern of breath
Note the presence of apnea, the frequency change of heart, muscle tone and skin color.
Perform cardiac and respiratory monitoring continuously.
Suction airway as needed.
Give the tactile stimulation immediately after apnea.
Monitor laboratory tests as indicated.
Give oxygenation as indicated.
Give medications as indicated.
Nursing Diagnosis II
Imbalanced nutrition, Less than body requirements related to the baby's sucking reflex is inadequate.
Nursing Intervention:
Assess the maturity of the reflex with respect to feeding, sucking, swallowing and coughing.
Auscultation bowel sounds.
Review the signs of hypoglycemia.
Give appropriate medication electrolyte supplements.
Give parenteral nutrition.
Monitor laboratory tests as indicated.
Make provision of drinking according to tolerance.

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