Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Anxiety [specify level: mild, moderate, severe, panic] - Definition, Related Factors and Characteristics

Taxonomy II: Coping/Stress Tolerance—Class 2 Coping Responses (00146)
[Diagnostic Division: Ego Integrity]
Submitted 1973; Revised 1982, and 1998 (by small group work 1996)
Definition: Vague uneasy feeling of discomfort or dread accompanied by an autonomic response (the source often nonspecific or unknown to the individual); a feeling of apprehension caused by anticipation of danger. It is an altering signal that warns of impending danger and enables the individual to take measures to deal with threat.
Related Factors
Unconscious conflict about essential [beliefs]/goals and values of life
Situational/maturational crises
Familial association/heredity
Interpersonal transmission/contagion
Threat to self-concept [perceived or actual]; [unconscious conflict]
Threat of death [perceived or actual]
Threat to or change in health status [progressive/debilitating disease, terminal illness], interaction patterns, role function/ status, environment [safety], economic status
Unmet needs
Exposure to toxins
Substance abuse
[Positive or negative self-talk]
[Physiological factors, such as hyperthyroidism, pheochromocytoma, drug therapy, including steroids]

Defining Characteristics
Expressed concerns due to change in life events
Regretful; scared; rattled; distressed; apprehension; uncertainty; fearful; feeling inadequate; anxious; jittery; [sense of impending doom]; [hopelessness]
Fear of unspecific consequences; awareness of physiological symptoms
Shakiness; worried; regretful; dry mouth (s); tingling in extremities (p); heart pounding (s); nausea (p); abdominal pain (p); diarrhea (p); urinary hesitancy (p); urinary frequency (p); faintness (p); weakness (s); decreased pulse (p); respiratory difficulties (s); fatigue (p); sleep disturbance (p); [chest, back, neck pain]
Poor eye contact; glancing about; scanning and vigilance; extraneous movement (e.g., foot shuffling, hand/arm movements); fidgeting; restlessness; diminished productivity; [crying/tearfulness]; [pacing/purposeless activity]; [immobility]
Increased wariness; focus on self; irritability; overexcited; anguish; painful and persistent increased helplessness
Voice quivering; trembling/hand tremors; increased tension; facial tension; increased pulse; increased perspiration; cardiovascular excitation (s); facial flushing (s); superficial vasoconstriction (s); increased blood pressure (s); twitching (s); increased reflexes (s); urinary urgency (p); decreased blood pressure (p); insomnia; anorexia (s); increased respiration (s)
Preoccupation; impaired attention; difficulty concentrating; forgetfulness; diminished ability to problem-solve; diminished learning ability; rumination; tendency to blame others; blocking of thought; confusion; decreased perceptual field

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